Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Why we are important even as specks...

... and not rely on the big daddies to do everything.

Clearly from the previous post and many other examples, science, politics and finance do not work well with the environment. It's been like this for decades and will always be, until proven otherwise by our leaders, whoever they might be.

Like many other modern science discoveries, the ideologies are brilliant, eg: Biology 2.0, human genome mapping. We can say the same about geo-engineering. In the right hands, these solutions can work wonders. However...

It's not just about moral obligation or ethics to save the environment, it's about placing our total trust and leaving our Earth in the hands of obsessive scientists and greedy politicians/investors who really don't care for the betterment of our species and planet.

In the meantime, we can do our part as tiny specks to preserve and protect what we already have. 

The Earth's state is an exact mirror of humanity.

We can only hope the our future leaders and geoengineers will provide all due transparency to the public before they start treating our Earth as a massive lab experiment instead of appreciating it for what it is.

A shoutout to those who've been consciously making the effort to be more eco-friendly! You guys make a difference!  

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